
Tirukkural was writtern by Tiruvallular in 133 chapters comprising 10 short couplets each of 7 words. It is a wonder even as a form of poetry as no other literary work has this form and style. Its uniqueness does not stop with that.
Tirukkural emcompasses the principles and philosophy of life, both personal and wordly. Its didactics are no mere preaching. It delves deep into the psyche of an individual, both man and woman, and it also displays perspectives on what life and living should comprise of. There may be some aspects that are specific to the times in which it was written, but largely its appeal is universal and timeless. That someone can think so fairly and forcefully on nearly all matters of life itself is a wonder, that he can put his thoughts into such unique poetry is wonder of wonders. Tirukkural is a delight to learn merely as a literature. Its substance is wealth that must be acquired.
Dr Sundaramoorthy is the professor teaching Tirukkural at Sangak Koodam. There is no one else more worthy of learning from in today’s academic world.