About Us

Heritage Inspired (HI) is an inspired outcrop to exhibit that illusive concept heritage. One cannot pin heritage to a single definition. It is a total package and experience of a land, region, culture, tradition, art, architecture, food, people, society, literature, philosophy etc. In these days, where globalization is the road we readily travel, we need to remember, appreciate, protect and showcase each region’s stamp on a great fabric. Even within India our plural fraternity needs to be exposed to regional variety. For that we need to know our own unique identity well. And that is what we strive to do here at HI. Our primary programme is organizing History and Heritage Tours in the ancient Tamil Land. This we propose to extend to other regions in course of time.

HI tours are experiential in that we present every aspect of our heritage to be temporally and spiritually experienced. We engage top-of the-line experts and scholars who take you back in time for a typical experience. The local folk, who are essential part of our tours, let you into the tradition, culture, food and language of a long-drawn civilization. The amazing temple architecture, iconography and inscriptions, the hallmarks of our culture and repositories of our history, are explored enough to kindle your curiosity to know more. Our folk art and literature are strewn across each tour like gems on a jewel. This has directly helped exhibit some of the dying arts and has bettered the economic status of the artists. Our traditional hospitality is extended to be enjoyed personally by everyone who travels with us.

HI tours are meticulously and imaginatively designed to suit children, adults and for the entire family. Our places of stay are part of a scintillating heritage experience. The vehicle we travel in affords the luxury needed for such travel. And there is no lack of camaraderie and enjoyment along with rich experience.

In keeping with a holistic effort, HI has other programmes that enhance its initiative. Through Sangak Koodam, we organize classes in classical Tamil literature and epigraphy. We also organize webinars, lectures by scholars in the field, at frequent intervals on history and heritage that span the whole of India. Through Heritage Essentials, we market naturally grown and acquired, and traditionally processed and prepared, food products that cover your entire kitchen, establishing a direct connection between the producer and consumer. We promote herbal supplements that aid in health and physical well-being, of an individual or a community, through a programme named Cultivating Health. And, finally, for a relaxing and rejuvenating interval from the daily routine, we have Deep Immersions, a refreshing week-end retreat into a place far from the madding crowd.

In short, HI offers a bundle of unforgettable experiences and a bouquet of programmes to choose from. The only component we need to complete them is you.