Deep Immersions
An inspiring, awe-inspiring and fun filled 2-day knowledge fest.

Heritage Inspired conducts a two-day programme once in 3 months called Deep Immersions at Kodaikanal.
The objective of the initiative is to understand our rich history and heritage through lectures by experts from different fields. Various topics with detailed Q & A sessions on History, Heritage, Literature, Art & Architecture are conducted by experts from respective fields. Other interesting topics like Indian martial arts, indigenous medicine are also included, if time permits.
Ecological field visits to study nature and other interesting features like the Dasabashanam statue at the Poombarai temple offer variety. Participants are also free to trek around in the serene woods. About 40 people have participated in the educational retreat so far for a “Back to School” learning experience.
We provide delight-to-the-palate vegetarian food and calm and peaceful stay among nature’s sounds for a life-enriching experience that provides a recharge to get back to routine with renewed vigour.