Our Team

Parvathy Peter
A science graduate, on the right side of seventies, who believes in learning as much as one can; traveling as much as one can; and be active as much as one can, mentally AND physically. They are all not mutually exclusive for her. Loves to curl up in a corner with a book for days on end or laugh with friends. Two angelic and very creative grandchildren are her energy bars. Connoisseur of home vegetarian food (veluthulli oh no, velichenna oh yes), loves cottons and a good conversation; jewelry is an absolute no-no. History – minus its romantic perception and glorification – is serious subject to pursue. All pigs are equal and no pig is more equal is her firm belief. Greatly admires the very ethical materialistic perception of life of the ancient Thamizhs and the yathum oore yaavarum kelir philosophy. Proud to be Thamizh just for that.

Ramesh Vangipuram
Born in a family of teachers and professors, Ramesh Vangipuram holds a Master’s degree in Computers. After having worked in IT industry for about 25 years, he quit his corporate job to pursue his passion in History. He has travelled extensively across the country in search of historical artefacts. His research during his travels gave him enormous material to write a book. He published his first book Warpath – Walking the Battlefields of the Cholas. Ramesh also gives lectures on various history topics. He is the history expert in the Chola tours of Heritage Inspired.

Deepa Anand
Taking care of finance and operations of the company, she has a down to earth personality required to manage home with two growing kids and business. Working for her father in his travel company, she has hands on experience and a sixth sense about managing touring. A vital member of the core team, she props the company up with her wit and wisdom, ubiquitous to running such complex ventures.

Radhika Augustus
After an inspiring Chola tour with her family, Radhika joined the Heritage Inspired family in 2018. Today she owns the entire operations and business development for Heritage Inspired. She has also played a key role in firming up Heritage Essentials since its inception. She brings a lot of new ideas to implement. She is highly process oriented and believes in giving her best. She ensures that every single tour of HI is a success and leaves no stone unturned for a seamless touring experience. She enjoys spending time with friends and loves to meet and interact with people.

Augustus Athigaman
As a paramedical graduate, Augustus has always been concerned about healthy living. In late 2019, he helped bring naturally-grown food from farmers known through our tours to our travellers. This helped both the consumers and the remote farmers, who needed an end point sale. Today, Augustus is the Managing Partner of Heritage Essentials, sourcing more than 150 naturally-grown products from across India. He regularly interacts with farmers, encouraging them to do more. With his patience and warm demeanour, he ensures personalized customer service attentive to requirements. He earnestly tries to bring awareness about the use of traditional rice and millets through HE’s Cultivating Health initiatives and expert programs.
Our Experts

Prof. Dr. G. Deivanayagam
International Conservation Architect
Prof Dr G Deivanayagam is a one of a kind classical Tamil scholar whose scholarship includes a bouquet of subjects – Tamil literature, history, art forms, architecture, archaeology, epigraphy, iconography, conservation of monuments – with a host of other skills. He has published more than 75 books and a few hundred papers in academic magazines. He is one of the few in India who has a post-doctoral degree in International Architectural Conservation Technology awarded by UNESCO. He has been involved in conservation work of monuments round the world. Dr Deivanayagam is a multi-faceted personality, a living legend, who has an enormous passion to impart his knowledge to the younger generation.

Dr. V. Vedhachalam
Archaeologist, Epigraphist
Dr Vedhachalam is a renowned archaeologist who worked in the Dept of Archaeology, Tamil Nadu, for over 30 years. Epigraphy and Museology are his other specializations. His profound research on Pandyas, Jainism in Thamizh country and his many books on them make him the foremost authority of Pandya history, in all its aspects. He has been part of every excavation done in Tamil Nadu and has offered his archaeological insights into the findings. He has also traveled wide and visited most of the archaeological sites round the world after retirement. His objective style of narration of history is the best way to learn history – no frills, no superlatives. A voracious reader, a prolific writer and an attractive speaker Dr Vedhachalam is a great scholar to learn from and travel with.

Sri K R Ramanujam
Sri K R Ramanujam of Kattuamannarkovil is a retired HM of a government middle school. He is a born story-teller. He can narrate Ponniyin Selvan, the entire story, in one breath and in fact he has done it for us in one of our webinars. Sri Ramanujam has never failed to turn up for our Chola tours, however sick he is, and the tour is not complete without sir narrating the episode at Kadambur with accompanying percussion instruments that gives such a deep emotional impact. An example of a rare breed of scholars who can never walk away from their commitment.

Prof. Dr. Ku Ve Balasubramanian
Professor – Tholkappiam Chair, Thanjai Tamil University, Tamil Scholar
A profound litterateur in Tamil literature, Dr Ku Ve Ba, as he is affectionately referred to, is the last of the elders in Tamil teaching. Tholkappiam needs to be learned from him to get the wide spectrum of knowledge it holds within it, its precision and beauty. Dr Ku Ve Ba is the guiding spirit of Sangak Koodam. His readiness to participate and his ease of accessibility are hallmarks of his uniqueness. A greater teacher and a greater person one can hardly find in contemporary literary field. An octogenarian, he has been appointed to the newly-created Tholkappiam Chair at the Thanjai Tamil University since there is no one else who fits it as perfectly.

Prof. Dr. Ambai Manivannan
Tamil Professor, Expertise in Iconigraphy
Dr Manivannan is a Professor of Tamil in Madurai. He is a great scholar in Tamil as well as in temple architecture and iconography. Dr Manivannan’s exposition on the iconography of the sculptures in Meenakshi temple is a well-admired feature in our Pandya tour. A prolific writer on the temples of Tamil Nadu, he is a budding author of a novel in Tamil with his native village on the banks of Vaigai as the central theme.

Prof. Dr. Balusamy
Professor of Tamil, Independent Researcher
Dr Balusamy was a Tamil Professor in Madras Christian College. If Dr Balusamy speaks, it is a magic web in which you are caught. His extensive research in Mamallai and his unique interpretations of the structures there are enthralling and enticing. When he speaks on Bharathi, one can hardly control one’s emotions. His books on Mamallai structures and perspectives on Nayak arts are rare treasures. His research into folk literature is deep and astounding. On his retirement from teaching, his students organized a farewell for him in Music Academy and they produced a 1000-page volume of literary essays, poems, and a series of conversations with him as a tribute. Does one need to say more of Dr Balusamy

Dr. E Sundaramoorthy
Vice Chairman – CICT, Tirukkural Scholar
Dr Sundaramoorthy is a scholar among scholars in Tirukkural. He is Vice Chairman of Central Institute of Classical Tamil and yet is an active teacher despite his advanced age. If one wants to learn Tirukkural there is no better teacher. He has given his own interpretations to Tirukkural as, he himself accepts, Tirukkural is amenable to a million explanations. He is a widely read scholar who is always willing to impart knowledge. Dr Sundaramoorthy is also one of the nicest persons and easily accessible if your intent is to learn.

Dr. C. Santhalingam
Archaeologist, Epigraphist
Dr C Santhalingam, retired archaeologist from the Dept of Archaeology, Govt of Tamil Nadu, is a storehouse of knowledge on archeological finds in Tamil Nadu. He has been associated with every excavation done on Tamil soil. He is a Tamil scholar and expert in Jain studies. He is an author of very many books on archaeology, excavations and Jainism in Tamil Nadu. These are source books for many serious researchers. He is an epitome of simplicity and is a willing teacher for a discerning ear.

Dr. TD Babu
Marine Biotechnologist
Dr Babu, an environmentalist and a marine biotechnologist, is a treasure trove of information when it comes to environment and its preservation. He is the key resource person for our Neithal trail, an eco tour in Chennai exploring the coastal ecosystem. By profession, he is a Technical Auditor auditing the seafood production process and environmental and social Impact for Asia Pacific Region. He has worked in many central government institutions. He is the Founder Trustee of SPARK, a forum which helps address and find solutions to civic issues. He is also Trustee of Nizhal, an NGO working in the area of Tree planting and Tree care.

Bhuvana Raj
Sustainability Practitioner
Bhuvana is a software professional turned into an Environment enthusiast and has volunteered with NGOs like Nizhal and Namma Ooru Foundation, in the areas of Tree Care and Soild Waste Management. She is a Sustainability Practitioner, Low waste lifestyle influencer, currently working as a Climate Educator for schools. She runs a sustainability initiative in her neighbourhood and has been steering change in averting waste going to landfills. Her pastime is tree watching, gardening, raising herbs, composting at home and exploring the natural heritage.